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Parkinson's Disease

What Is Parkinson's Disease?

It was first described by Dr. James Parkinson in 1817 as a shaky stroke. Parkinson's disease is the most common neurological disease after Alzheimer's, with neurodegeneration (loss of function and cell death).
There are cells in our brain that control our movements by secreting chemicals. One of the chemicals secreted from these cells is dopamine.

Parkinson's disease, which is disrupted by the balance of the body with findings such as tremor and slow movement as a result of the loss of function of cell groups secreting dopamine in the brain over time, is called. There are structures called basal ganglia in the deep regions of the brain.

The task of these ganglia is to make the movement more smooth, harmonious, and to adjust the balance of the body when the person starts a movement (for example, lifting the arm). Basal ganglia process and transmit signals between the layers of the brain in order to perform these functions. While these signals are carried as electrical signals on nerve cells, chemicals (neurotransmitters-dopamine) are used in communication between nerve cells.

In Parkinson's disease, these dopamine-producing nerve cells are destroyed and the connections of nerve cells with each other and muscles are reduced. The cause of this destruction and loss of dopamine is mostly unknown.

Parkinson's disease occurs especially in older ages. Onset before age 50 is very rare.
It is approximately twice as common in men as in women. Its incidence in people over 60 years of age is 1%. Approximately 300 in every 1,000,000 people. It is estimated that there are around 60,000 Parkinson's patients in Turkey.

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease in which the findings can be improved in existing treatments and made less obstructive to the life of the person.

There is information that early treatment in Parkinson's helps delay the remission and progression of the disease and prolongs quality of life. For this reason, it has been declared as "World Parkinson's Disease Day" on April 11 every year in order to create social awareness and awareness.

Risk groups in Parkinson's are as follows;

Certain medications
Familial reasons
Previous brain infections
Excessive elevation of red cells in the blood
Male gender

What Are The Symptoms of The Disease?

Muscle pains
Change of facial expression (staring, not blinking)
Freezing and pain in the shoulder
Bending in body posture (hunched posture)
Trembling sensation
Difficulty in swallowing
No swaying of the arms while walking
The person's writing starts to be illegible and small
Slowing of movements and speed of speech
Depression, distressed mood

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